There are many things you can turn towards to get what you need when you are grieving. When you have final services for a loved one with funeral homes in Brea, CA, there are no hard and fast, set ways to grieve. You have to do what feels best to you. Some people like to talk out their emotions with a family member, or even a grief counselor. Others prefer to write down what they are thinking. Here are a few things a grief journal can do for you if you feel that might be a good fit for your grief process.
When you say something out loud to someone, it can always be misconstrued, or even repeated. If you say something to a journal, it’s a private outlet for you. You can feel free to share whatever you want with the journal and no one’s feelings will be hurt and no one will repeat it or misunderstand what you said. It’s just between you and the page. It’s a place where you can say things you might not share with others, like anger, hurt feelings, regrets, or anything else. Even if you don’t say it out loud, it can still help to get those emotions out.
As you write in the journal, you can go back through the entries and see how far you have come. Perhaps when the funeral first took place, you had trouble getting out of bed. A few weeks later, you are taking regular walks. You can look back in the journal and see just how much you have improved as you’ve moved forward with grief.
Your loved one is gone, but the memories of them can live on in your heart, and in your journal. When you write out some of the good times you had with them, it can help you to know that those are things you are never going to forget. If you forget certain details, you can go back and read all about it at any time. Plus, thinking about and writing about those good times can really put you in a good state of mind.
More often than not, people don’t get to say everything they wanted to say to their loved one before they passed on. If there’s something you want to say to your loved one, your journal is a good place to do that. Let them know how much you love them and don’t let anything go unsaid. IT’s the next best thing to actually having said it to them and it can feel right to get it out of your system.
When you work with funeral homes in Brea, CA on final services for a loved one, you might want to start a grief journal to help you get through the hard days you know are ahead of you.
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