A friend of yours has lost a loved one and they are grieving—and will be for a while. You know the funeral homes in La Mirada, CA are going to care for their loved one and implement any plans they want to put into place. But your friend is going to need more support than the funeral home can offer. There are lots of things you can give them, as a friend, that professionals just can’t. Here are some of the things you might do to support that person through this hard time.
One of the biggest things you can do for your friend is to simply give them the emotional support they need. When they need to vent their emotions, let them cry on your shoulder and be there to give them a big hug. Remind them that you are always there for them and want to talk them through this hard time. More importantly, you will listen, no matter what they need to get out.
It’s never a good idea for your friend to go to the funeral home alone, even during the planning process. They might normally have a family member to go with them, and that’s great. But if there is ever a time when they need to make a visit, even for something small, go along with them. You don’t have to be a part of the planning, just be there as their support system and it will mean a lot.
IT doesn’t matter if you didn’t know your friend’s loved one, if the traditional services are open, you can still attend. In fact, if you didn’t know the person, it can mean even more to your friend that you showed up to honor them. That means that you are there to support your friend and that you care so much about them you want to be there for them, even if you didn’t know the person who died.
Your friend might be working on a lot of funeral-related tasks right now and they might not have time for regular household things. You can offer to do some of those everyday things like mowing, watering plants, cleaning, and so on. You can also offer to pick up groceries, bring fresh meals over and other such things. It can be a big help to allow them to focus on the grief and the funeral plans.
Lots of people flock around those who are grieving, but they are there for the funeral and then they go back to life. You, on the other hand, can stick around for the long haul. Keep checking in on your friend and make sure they are doing okay and are moving forward in healthy ways.
The professionals at funeral homes in La Mirada, CA have plenty of other options for ways you can support someone who is grieving. Reach out to ask any time.
Community Funeral Service
1301 S Beach Blvd Suite B
Immediate Need? We Are Available 24/7
License # FDR-2447 License # FD-1659